Recreational Activities 

 Some of the few activities within driving distance include: climbing and exploring amazing natural waterfalls, zip lining through the canopy of tropical forests, swimming with dolphins, horse-backing riding at Chukka Cove, bobsledding, [rollercoaster] on Mystic Mountain, visiting Sun Valley Tropical Gardens, amazing shopping in Ocho Rios, enjoying multiple world class beaches, bird watching, and so much more! 

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Dunn's River Falls 

One of the "must-do's" on your bucket list is to climb these falls. Site of the legendary battle of "Las Chorreras", which was between the English and Spanish in 1657. It is now a world famous tourist attraction. Dunn's River is a small body of water, gently sloping only 180 feet from it's source to the Caribbean Sea. One of the very few travertine waterfalls in the world that empties directly into the ocean. It takes between 1 hour to 1.5 hours to climb with the assistance of tour guides. All ages from children to the elderly can conquer the climb. 

Swimming with Dolphins 

Swim with dolphins in warm and tropical waters while being surrounded by acres of tropical forest. Enjoy the natural jungle trail and experience exotic birds and iguanas. Snorkel with stingrays or simply hang out on the white sandy beaches. One of the most popular attractions in Jamaica! 

For more information on Dolphin Cove, visit the website:

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Explore Ocho Rios 

The main street of Ocho Rios are filled with world class, duty free shops that cater to both land and cruise ship tourists.

Included among the numerous activities in the area, are water activities to include: water skiing, parasailing, diving into blue hole, tubing, and bamboo rafting. 

Enjoy a once in a lifetime Horseback Ride 'N' Swim tour at Chukka Cove. 

For more information on Chuckka Cove, visit the website:

For more information on activities in Ocho Rios, visit the website: