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Stanley Lascelles Clemetson Borland was the son of May Clemetson and Leslie Borland, grandson of Margaret Josephine Davis Clemetson. Educated in Michigan in the US, he became the first Jamaican born Chemical Engineer to be in a managerial position at a Bauxite (raw ore for aluminium) Company in Jamaica. He eventually opened and operated the first synthetic foam rubber company in the Caribbean in the 1970s - 80s. Prior to this however, he served in the capacity of Chairman of the 1960 Committee on Vocational & Technical Training and the Under Secretary of Public Works & Utilities for President William Tubman of Liberia.

on governnment business

on governnment business

newly minted chemical engineer borland

newly minted chemical engineer borland

dining with colleagues in liberia

dining with colleagues in liberia

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Conducting inspections and acting in role of Under Secretary of Public Works & Utilities for President William Tubman of Liberia.

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